Climate History Network

A network of interdisciplinary scholars studying past climate change

Post-Doc Opporturnity: UC Institute for the Study of the Ecological Effects of Climate Impacts (ISEECI)

The newly formed UC Institute for the Study of the Ecological Effects of Climate Impacts (ISEECI) has posted three postdoctoral fellowship announcements on its website:
Two of these–on biotic communities and population ecology/evolution–are based squarely in the sciences. The other ( is focused on ecological and/or environmental history, and could come from either the sciences or the humanities. The position is open this fall.
The goal of the Institute is to bring together diverse researchers from throughout the UC to use our unique Natural Reserve System (NRS)–with its 39 sites covering more than 756,000 acres–as a laboratory for studying the ecological effects of climate change in California and beyond.
The historical position could take any number of forms, but the fellow will have two general tasks: (1) to assist ongoing efforts to build an archival infrastructure of historical materials for the NRS, and (2) to develop an original research project using these materials. The fellow will start with one year of funding, but there may be support for more, contingent on progress and likely outcomes. The fellow could be based at Santa Cruz, Merced, Berkeley, UCLA, or Santa Barbara, depending on the fellow’s interests, focus, and the availability of an appropriate mentor, as described in the announcement.

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This entry was posted on September 2, 2015 by in Jobs.